• Yes:

    It is important to remember that exercise is the cause of improvement, it is not the improvement itself.

    It is only the time between training sessions that allows the body to synthesize the changes brought about by exercise. High quality resistance training provides a significant demand on the body’s resources and recovery abilities. If you were to perform exercise of this type five or six times per week, the body would never be allowed to properly recover and bring about the positive changes you had worked so hard for. In fact the body would quickly break down from such constant demands.

    It is only during the time between exercise sessions that you allow the good things brought about by exercise to occur. There are a number of factors that can affect a person’s ability to recover from intense exercise: quality of sleep, nutritional considerations, hormonal state, age and general health. For most people a recovery time of between four to seven days is ideal

  • No:

    The primary requirement to losing body fat is diet and the fact is that you cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet. If you are eating too many of the wrong kinds of foods and/or consuming to many calories relative to your body weight, then exercise will do little to improve your chances of losing body fat.

    One pound of fat contains 3500 calories. If you can burn 100 calories per mile while jogging or other steady state activity that would mean you would have to keep up the activity for 35 miles in order to burn through one pound of fat! Obviously this is a highly impractical way to go about losing body fat. The role of correct exercise in any fat loss program is the creation and maintenance of muscle tissue. A single pound of muscle tissue consumes between 35-75 calories per day just to maintain itself. Proper strength training at Vital Exercise will quickly allow you to add enough lean muscle to burn an additional 1750 to 3500 calories per week. Combining correct strength training with a sensible calorie controlled diet will ensure that you are doing everything necessary to reduce body fat, improve health and achieve a lean and attractive body.

  • Yes.

    Decades of scientific research have clearly demonstrated that the type of resistance exercise recommended at Vital Exercise is not only safe, but has life changing positive effects for people of an advancing age. Our methods incorporate smooth slow repetition speeds that are much safer than traditional weight training. Due to the emphasis on reducing the forces imposed on the body, and improving safe muscular loading you are effectively getting the best of both worlds: safety and results. The effects of correct strength training on seniors include: regaining lost mobility, reversing age related muscle loss, building bone density, managing arthritis and low back pain and many more. Do it right and you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from proper strength training.

  • No:

    It is a common misconception that women who strength train will develop large muscles.

    The fact is that only very few women possess the genetic requirement to develop large muscles. Even among men, who are more hormonally suited to develop muscle size, the ability to build truly huge muscles is a genetic rarity. Five to Ten pounds of muscle added to a woman’s body will by no means give the impression of bulky muscles. What it will do is improve her shape and cause her body to burn copious amounts of extra calories throughout the day. For a woman seeking a lean trim body, correct strength training at Vital Exercise offers many advantages and no disadvantages.